Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh bloggy...how I have missed you.
I find myself so busy lately that I don't have time to write on here anymore. But it is a new year and I want to start up blogging again :) When I have time, I am giving myself the freedom to do this whenever I want and feel no pressure to keep up with eveyone else.
I am so ready for 2013! It is going to be a year of adventure, goals and spiritual and emotional growth! Lord help this year be one of the best yet!
So what's new with me?

1.) My sister got married...on New Years eve!! They live in Canada so we planned the whole thing here in WI in 2mo so they could get married when they came home. It was a beautiful wedding. I am so blessed to have gained a new brother  and to see my sissy so happy!
 2.) I love love love my job (I love being able to say that!!) I've been getting to help with wedding shows and talking with brides! I love it!!
and so many other things! I can not wait to see what this year holds!
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1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you are blogging again. I always like reading what you post. Thanks for being such a big help with the wedding planning.

    ♥ you.
