Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I love the 4th of July.

Can you believe it is July already?!
I sure can't! Heck I feel like all of the kiddies just got out of school. But I sure am glad it is! The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. It's great because... you get to blow stuff up, you get to grill out (well I grill veggie burgers), there are always carnivals and funnel cakes and you get to spend time with family but relax at the same time. Now don't get me wrong I love Christmas, love love love it!! But you always feel like there is so much you need to get in. With the 4th it's just chilling and watching fireworks. I approve.
This year I was extra thankful because my sister and brother in law were back in the good U.S.A. Last year they just moved to Canada and it just wasn't the same. But we got to spend extra time together this year. I got to actually sleep in, kind of sad I missed the parade but well worth it to catch some extra shut eye. Then we all watched the hot dog eating contest on TV. I never really got it but the siblings get a kick out of it. After that we all went over to Grandma and Grandpas for board games. My team lost. I swear they cheat :p Finally we went out to my dads house which is great for fireworks because they live out in the country. Jason (my brother in law) and dad are obsessed with fireworks so that alone made my night haha.
The next day Tavi and I ventured down to a carnival here in town called "Sawdust Days." Not going to lie there are some questionable people down there. People wear things they really shouldn't. But it is tradition! We get a funnel cake and take it all in. After sweating to death the sun finally went down and we got to enjoy the fireworks. Weird not seeing them on the 4th but it was actually kind of perfect.
It is an amazing country we live in here. I am being reminded of that more and more as I grow up. We are so blessed to live in the land of the free, because of those brave souls.

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