Monday, May 21, 2012

Inspirational lady #5...Jessica Simpson

#5...Jessica Simpson!

She does it all!! I know a lot of people don't like her...but I do! I always have. I have been her biggest fan for years. I have nothing but respect for her.

She started out in music and worked really hard to get there (I watched the true hollywood story :p.)
One thing I've always admired about her was that she remained a virgin until marriage. That shows a lot about the person she is and her strengthing faith. Now I know things have changed since then, but growing up I was able to look at her as just the greatest example. Still do.

In the midst of her music career she shot a hit reality show with then husband Nick Lachey. She was soon a househeld name. She was never afraid to laugh at herself and be a big dork. I can relate!

She is a major help with the "Operation Smile"  charity. Helping children with cleft lips get surgery. She says everyone deserves to feel beautiful. Along with that she does tours for many of the soldiers.

She started a line of shoes and since then branched out into handbags, clothes and really anything you can think of.
She even worked with Ken Paves to create a line of hair extensions.
Oh yes and perfume...(I use the perfume and it my favorite...smells soooo good!!)

Most recently she is part of the hit TV show "Fashion Police"

She is now engaged and just had a baby girl...awwww.

This girl is a true inspiration!! She really does seem to do it all. And be able to laugh at herself along the way. I can't wait to see what she does next. I really hope that she puts out a new album soon. But of course mommy duties come first.

Anybody who ever said this girl is dumb needs to think again. Look at everything she's accomplished!