Well here it is...2012.
I can't help but believe it's gonna be a great one!
(after all 12 is my favorite number...so it's bound to be great!!)
Now time for New Years Resolutions.
I've never been the best at keeping them.
With a few exceptions.
For instance back in the 7th grade my friend Tav and I decided to become vegetarians..and what do ya know it stuck!!
This year I have my list of resolutions. Here they are.
1. Live by the words "Carpe Diem." It is latin for seize the day and that is what I'm hoping to do this year. Live life to the fullest, take chances, look dumb, have no regrets!!
2. Accomplish at least one thing off of Pinterest weekly with Tav. She had the idea we do something whether it be a recipe, new hairstyle, really anything!! We're going to compare the original to how ours turn out haha.
3. Read the Bible daily. This one can be hard because I get busy. But as long as I can keep it at a steady pace. It's going to help my faith greatly and just see things differently :)
4. Accomplish at least one thing off of my Bucket List monthly. I have quite the Bucket List and I'm always adding new things. I better get crackin' haha.
5. Start collecting coupons. I see people save massive amounts of money with coupons..I wanna do that haha!!
6. Save my receipts. Hopefully this will help save me some money and get more organized.
7. Work out at least every other day. Enough said... time to get and stay healthy.
8. Get the tattoo (a butterfly) I want in Nashville. It's about time.
9. Save up for a "good" camera. Ahhh I want one so bad!!
10. Pay off Bills and Save more money.
11. Re-attempt "Project 365" basically take a picture a day...sounds easy right?? Sooo much harder then it sounds haha. This is the year though!!
There you have it. My loooong list of Resolutions...time to get crackin'
Any Resolutions???
Now is the time to start fresh and help better myself. Make me a better version of...me :)
Happy New Year!!